Hi, I am Simeon Zimmermann
Your software engineer for Node.js, React.js and Graphql

Interactive Terminal
Can you unleash the developer within you?
~/ # You can use this website normally or interact through this terminal.
~/ # To do this, use the following commands (shown in green). You can enter commands or click on the command. Then confirm with Enter.
~/ # open portfolio - My previous projects~/ #
open contact - Get in contact with me~/ #
set theme --dark - Change the theme color~/ #
set theme --light - Change the theme color
Projects and references
Here you can learn more about the implemented projects


KAO Germany Seminars

Kiel Seating

Online calculator


Any questions?
Contact me, I will be happy to help you
Simeon Zimmermann - SZ WEB DEVELOPMENT
Les Oeuchettes 23
2607 Cortebert
Further information